Click on the map where you want to add an icon. There are three main sections with benches in between each one. Lets play hollow knight episode 24 we cant read maps by the green. Lets play hollow knight episode 46 the white palace by the green. Hollow knight the white palace walkthrough. Lets play hollow knight the green scorpion. While equipped it will show the players location on the map making it primarily useful in learning the complex map of hollow knight. Its a difficult platforming section that will be sure to make you rage unless youre very patient. This will add an entry in the textbox below. Attempting to map the white palace selfhollowknight submitted 1 year ago by yarash2110. Enter the description in the dialogue box. The winding passageways of the world can quickly confuse you so its a safe charm to have if youre not intending to get involved in. Hollow Knight Wikipedia Maps of hallownest showing all regions rooms bosses grubs charms warrior graves essence trees cartographer locations collectibles hidden hunter journal entries etc.