maybe these days some simmers - like me - think about playing sims 2 again, until there are more mods or custome stuff for sims 3 which - honestly speaking - disappointed me. I'll bring this up to make the update a bit more aware. Thanks for feedback, I am glad you enjoy the hack D I don't have a household with a butler anywhere and in the coming weeks very spare time, so I cannot investigate this more deeply now myself. Should the problem be in nudist hack it could be easily done to exclude this NPC type from beeing naked. I would estimate, you try to reproduce this error and then try to play with/without one of both hacks to see if it's resolved. I read already somewhere, that sometimes weird things happen with the butlers - especially with leaving. I don't think there's the problem but I cannot say this for sure. So it is really hard to say, because I would have to investigate what he did.

Globals & semi-globals are core routines that are used by all other (globals) or common by special groups (semi). On the other hand: While I integrated the "Check for naked" rotines around the calls to clothing change (for swimming, sport, sauna, etc.), Squinge modified directly some clothing-change globals & semiglobals. On the first view I would say no, as there are no direct conflicts. It is very difficult to say if this is the case.

I had just added Squinge's latest PregancyWearAnyOutfit - could it have anything to do with that? He wouldn't leave until one of my Sims told him goodbye. Something weird happened in my game the second time I played with this hack, though: the butler got naked and stayed past midnight. Advanced Nudist Mod V 3.2.3 (Ready for Sims 2 Ultimate Collection)